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1.This theme prominently analyzes development and history of VDR, discusses the unique functions in accident investigation, probes into functional effects of VDR in various marine accident and functions of safe management of VDR, indemnity due to insurance policy as well as trial of navigating for ships, and looks forward relationships among VDR, ECDIS, AIS and prognosticates VDR effects combined with future communication technique.


2.In this model, the insurer have two dependent classes of insurance business for each of which the claim number process relate to Poisson process and the same Erlang (n) process.


3.The full cost of storm damage will be paid by the insurer.


4.In safe course, manage compensate is the program with very strong plasticity of a technical, compasses, the program of specific reason compensate that different insurance company and different risk plant is occurring difference, but manage on the whole compensate includes: Receive case, put on record, first trial, investigation, adjustment, check to examine and approve, file of end a case these 7 link.


5.Article 183 Any employee of an insurance company who, taking advantage of his position, deliberately fabricates the occurrence of an insured accident and falsely settles a fictitious claim, thereby swindling the insured amount of money out of the company and taking it into his own possession, shall be convicted and punished according to the provisions in Article 271 of this Law.

第一百八十三条保险公司的工作人员利用职务上的便利,故意编造未曾发生的保险事故进行虚假理赔,骗取保险金归自己所有的,依照本法第二百七十一条的规定定罪处罚。6.Is It the Crime of Insurance Fraud Or the Legitimate Settlement of Claim Based on the Sham Administrative Act


7.Perfecting insurance law system of the State and establishing modern insurance system has been a matter which brooks no delay when facing drastic competition of international insurance market, while establishing and perfecting insurance assessor system of the state is obviously one of an important aspects.

面对国际保险市场的激烈竞争,完善我国保险法律制度与建立现代保险体系已是刻不容缓之事,而建立和完善我国保险公估人制度显然是其中一个重要方面。 随着我国加入WTO,保险业的开放和国际化已不可逆转,作为保险中介人之一的保险公估人参与风险查勘、定损、理赔的国际保险习惯做法应被我国保险业所采用。

8.A policy with an upper limit cannot be the optimal contract, no matter what tax deductions are provided for losses.
